Homeschooling with Andrewism
Ep. 01

Homeschooling with Andrewism

Episode description

The original release date for this episode was 18 September 2021.

We’re happy to introduce a new project that we’re working in the APN! This is the first episode of Smash the Class, a podcast that seeks to explore and discuss different methods that could help us all re-think, dismantle, and re-build our learning spaces for the benefit of all people.

In our first episode, we spoke with Andrew about homeschooling. It was awesome to hear a first-person perspective on how it could be used to foster learning spaces and help build communities. We also discussed how it could work with other areas of praxis. This conversation is also an extension of his Homeschooling video, which is definitely recommended.

You can also go check out other topics on his YouTube channel, Andrewism.

Enjoy and look out for more!